End the Silence - Stories of Nurses
This podcast is about the truth in nursing. Host Sandra Payne BN, ex-RN, Master Certified Holistic Wellness Coach and founder of Nurse Rx Online Coaching Program & Community, interviews real nurses who will share their stories, their struggles, their insights, advice, and inspiration. It's real, raw, and you don't want to miss a single episode!
23 episodes
Rising of the New Paradigm of Nursing w/ Sarah Choujounian RN
About Sarah ChoujounianSarah Choujounian has been a nurse since 2004 & has been working in a nursing home for the greater part of her career. In 2017, she was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia which was the catalyst for her life ch...
Season 2
Episode 11

Birth, Death, and the Evolving Cycle with Jessica Sobey / ETS10
It's my pleasure to highlight one of my dearest client's of the Nurse Rx Community. Jess and I have been working together for over 18 months and are truly kindred souls. Jess is an RN in Maine USA and after dabbling in a few different a...
Season 2
Episode 10

Integrating Holistic Nursing with Bryanna Reilly | ETS09
How can we as nurses show up and co-create a holistic health care system that addresses people in the deep ways people need?In today's episode, my guest Bryanna and I are exploring the heavy impact of nursing on our lives as a whole and...
Season 2
Episode 9

Institutional Betrayal and Nursing with Jasper Pare | ETS08
Recently terminated RN Jasper Pare joins me for a closeup look at what led him to choose to lose his job as a nurse. He shares vulnerably with us the impact this has all had on his life, both professionally and personally. What's incred...
Season 1
Episode 8

Compassion Satisfaction in Nursing | ETS07
Today I am joined by Beth Cavenaugh, nurse of 25 years, with the last 15 of them spent working in a hospice home helping people walk through the last days of their loved ones life. As with any line of nursing, some days are heavy and brin...
Season 2
Episode 7

Nursing Mentorship with Jennifer Kirk RN | ETS06
Jennifer Kirk and I take you through a conversation through nursing challenges, moral distress, compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma and how that can affect our lives as nurses. We also highlight the health care systems set up th...
Season 2
Episode 6

A Healthy Dose of Perspective in Nursing with Paula Leweke | ETS05
The value of taking the journey back through nursing history and exploring international health care allows us to take a step back and find hope in the present and reconnect with our passion for nursing. The current climate and conditions of ou...
Season 2
Episode 5

Taking Back Our Personal Power as we Journey Back to Ourselves | ETS04
This episode is going to take you on a deep dive ride as Victoriya and I journey from the contrasts and deficiencies of our health care system to how we as consumers of health care (and as people in many other ways) have given away our po...
Season 2
Episode 4

Self Compassion in the Face of Stigma and Shame with Paige Mathison | ETS03
Paige Mathison joins me for a raw, candid interview that explores the shame and stigma of our struggles with the trauma and abuses we face in the nursing industry. My hope with this conversation is that you will be encouraged to reach o...
Season 2
Episode 3

Division, Repression, and Collective Trauma in the Nursing Profession | ETS02
Recently I openly expressed my views and beliefs regarding the unethical and immoral vaccine mandates being forced upon nurses and others in our country. I pride myself on truth and authentic expression, however holding this belief has made me ...
Season 2
Episode 2

Taking Back Control of Your Career with Jayne Van Brunt | ETS01
As nurses in today’s medical workforce we need to stand up and speak out, and no longer just sit down and be quiet, hiding in the shadows and the shame of our struggles. The reality is there are unlimited options available for nurs...
Season 2
Episode 1

Season 2 Unleashed - Bring Your Boots, I’ll Bring the Shovels, Cuz it’s Gonna Get Mucky | ETS00-S2
I'm so excited to be back again with the relaunch of “End the Silence” season two to share with you some powerful, brave, vulnerable and inspiring stories of actual nurses in our society. They are our colleagues, our mothers, our daughters, our...
Season 2
Episode 0

End the Silence - Guest Fola Veritas RPN
What a gift to have Fola as a guest on the podcast.Just being in her presence made me feel all kinds of warm and fuzzies inside.She gives embodiment to merging spirit into everyday life.Fola is an RPN in Alberta and has been...
Season 1
Episode 10

End the Silence - Guest Rachel Scheffelmair RN
What a gift to have Rachel on the show.I met Rachel back in January after an online workshop I held on Nurse Burnout. She displayed a keen awareness of the cycle of the abuse and toxic overworking pattern in her nursing career and...

End the Silence - Guest Piroska Bata RN
Piroska has been nursing for over 31 years in multiple areas and roles. She has focused in her career on connecting with her patients through authentic humanity and meeting people on a deep level through some of the their most difficult a...
Season 1
Episode 8

End the Silence - Guest Kelly Cronin RN
Kelly Cronin is a Registered Nurse in Ontario Canada and has practiced in areas such as family medicine, urgent care clinics, the coronary care unit, outpatient cardiology, cancer care, and it curing working in palliative care. Kelly sh...
Season 1
Episode 7

End the Silence - Guest Kinnon Ross RN
Kinnon is a registered nurse working as a clinical nurse leader in the urban health program at St. Paul's Hospital in Vancouver B.C. Kinnon was drawn to St. Paul's by the exceptional work they do supporting the most marginalized populatio...
Season 1
Episode 6

End the Silence - Guest Katrina Stephenson
Katrina Stephenson is an RN in Alberta Canada. She has dedicated her nursing career to working within a harm reduction model of care and primarily marginalized individuals with histories of trauma and challenged by concurrent disorders.
Season 1
Episode 5

End the Silence - Guest Michelle Howard
My guest is Michelle Howard! A Registered Nurse from British Columbia Canada who has bravely worked the emergency rooms and trauma centers of BC's largest hospitals. Watching two of her three daughters entering the nursing workforce has l...
Season 1
Episode 4

End the Silence - Guest Alysa Lamb RN
Alysa Lamb is a Registered Nurse in Northern British Columbia Canada. She has spent the past 13 years of her career using family centered care for the tiniest of our patients in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. In her time ...
Season 1
Episode 3

End the Silence - Guest Natasha Burger RN
Natasha Burger is a Registered Nurse in Alberta Canada and has dedicated nearly 30 years of service in the nursing profession. Her long list of experience and expertise will blow your mind, but it's a reality of many nurses and one of the...
Season 1
Episode 2

End the Silence - Guest Sarah Bohachyk
Sarah Bohachyk is a Registered Nurse in Alberta Canada and has worked in the Emergency Department for over 10 years. She is also completing her Masters of Nursing Degree through Athabasca University.In 2016 Sarah started experienc...
Season 1
Episode 1

End the Silence - Stories of Nurses Trailer
Welcome to the End the Silence Podcast Trailer.This podcast, hosted by Sandra Payne owner of Sandra Payne Wellness and founder of the Nurse RX Coaching Program, is a space for nurses to share their struggles, successes and their stor...
Season 1
Episode 1