End the Silence - Stories of Nurses
End the Silence - Stories of Nurses
End the Silence - Guest Alysa Lamb RN
Alysa Lamb is a Registered Nurse in Northern British Columbia Canada. She has spent the past 13 years of her career using family centered care for the tiniest of our patients in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
In her time as an NICU Nurse with a sprinkling of Palliative Care she was gifted with the opportunity to experience both the best and worst of the human experience. And that takes it's toll over time. Coupled with the toxic work environment she was in Alysa found herself extremely burned out.
She knew it was time to find something else. She knew her health was suffering. It was spilling over into other areas of her life but fear kept her where she is.
In this episode we relate this fear to that of an abusive relationship, which many nurses experience.
After nearly 2 years of suffering she found the courage to leave the NICU and take on a new role in the community public health sector. She retells finding this courage when she surrounded herself with the supports she needed to make the leap. And although she was still terrified, she took the jump, and found that the wings she needed appeared for her.
This episode tugs at my heart.
As an ex-NICU RN I have countless memories of babies and families I cared for. I have still pain and grief in my heart for those devastatingly traumatic times but also a light of joy as I remember the good times, the little smiles, the beautiful eyes, and the countless snuggles with the most precious souls. It truly is a remarkable job and one I look back on with tears of joy and sorrow in my eyes.
Those little hearts, and big hearts for that matter will find a way into YOUR heart. And that doesn't just go away because of time or distance. That impact stays forever.
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Be sure to register for the upcoming Nursing Burnout Online Workshop coming up on March 23 2021 at 10am PST. https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUufuyorDwjHt2ybmrkKLDsnkvLxrX8WCC2