End the Silence - Stories of Nurses
End the Silence - Stories of Nurses
End the Silence - Guest Kelly Cronin RN
Kelly Cronin is a Registered Nurse in Ontario Canada and has practiced in areas such as family medicine, urgent care clinics, the coronary care unit, outpatient cardiology, cancer care, and it curing working in palliative care.
Kelly shares with us her journey through nursing and how she has navigated depression to find thriving balance by prioritizing her self care and setting boundaries. She has found significant healing by leaning into humour and finding the joy and connection that allows us to create feelings of safety and release the emotional stress that builds over time.
Kelly also introduces a beautiful concept of "wise effort", taught to her by a yoga guru that is a beautiful meditative approach that allows a person to evaluate where their energy is going, you won't want to miss this nugget of wisdom!!
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If you would like to be a guest on the End the Silence Podcast please complete this form and we will be in touch to book an interview time https://www.jotform.com/assign/210437992218055/210619013819048