End the Silence - Stories of Nurses

Division, Repression, and Collective Trauma in the Nursing Profession | ETS02

Sandra Payne BN, ex-RN Season 2 Episode 2
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00:00 | 56:07

Recently I openly expressed my views and beliefs regarding the unethical and immoral vaccine mandates being forced upon nurses and others in our country. I pride myself on truth and authentic expression, however holding this belief has made me the recipient of discrimination from my union partners.

Repression and trauma have been relevant issues in the nursing profession for decades but now adding in the division and pressures of Covid-19 and differences in our personal and professional beliefs has many nurses on the edge and silenced more than ever before.

Today on End the Silence Katrina Stephenson and I bring some of that toxicity into the light.


Acknowledging Our Personal Triggers, Growth & Resilience
The Division In The Nursing Profession
Our Uniqueness And Diversity
Safety In Healing And Owning The Impact Of Our Actions
Health Care System Being An Unsafe Environment
The Power Of Peer Support 


As a nurse that has worked and trained in three different provinces and various health authorities, I have seen various healthcare environments, many not trauma informed. My Nursing Peers have been exposed to stress on a whole other level since the COVID-19 pandemic started in March 2020. We are within a mental health crisis. We are losing nurses to overdoses and dying by suicide. We have nurses leaving the profession. New graduates that have PTSD and will not stay in the profession. Too many of our workplaces are sick and psychological wellness is not improving.

As a Nurse supporting other Nurse’s wellness I have seen how Covid had torn us even further apart. I believe it is essential for us all to care and respect each other. It is not Them vs Us. We need to approach each other with compassion and non-judgment. We can support each other in a manner that promotes mental wellness so to reduce shame, guilt, stigma and discrimination.

Storytelling is my way and a powerful way to support changing the negative climate surrounding many mental health conditions and injuries we see in Nursing.

In 2020, I found Nurse 2 Nurse Peer Support, a confidential, evidenced based, trauma informed peer support wellness program to advocate, educate and support our nursing peers to prevent, mitigate and care for OSI. It is time for change and for us Nurses to have the supports necessary to continue the work we love to do.

And who better to support and bring understanding to our needs of our community than one nurse to another. www.n2nps.com


Sandra Payne is a Nurse and Master Certified Holistic Wellness Trauma Informed Coach and the owner of Sandra Payne Wellness and founder of the exclusive Nurse Rx Coaching Program. 

After 13 years working within the traditional health care system and experiencing firsthand the challenges that come with nursing, Sandra has a keen understanding of the heavy unrealistic expectations in nursing, the moral distress, and the stigma that keeps many nurse’s struggles with depression, anxiety, and trauma hidden in silence. 

Out of this intimate understanding was born the Nurse Rx Program through which women nurses learn and practice a host of skills and exercises to manage stress, process emotions, and heal trauma within a safe group collective of other nurses.

Join the community of support - Facebook group Surviving Nursing https://www.facebook.com/groups/638818697054847

Download a copy of the Surviving Nursing live workshop here https://www.sandrapaynecoach.com

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