End the Silence - Stories of Nurses
End the Silence - Stories of Nurses
End the Silence - Guest Piroska Bata RN
Piroska has been nursing for over 31 years in multiple areas and roles. She has focused in her career on connecting with her patients through authentic humanity and meeting people on a deep level through some of the their most difficult and terrifying moments.
Piroska is currently completing her Master in Arts in Counselling Psychology and also holds the designation as Certified Professional Coach, Licensed Practitioner and Master Practitioner in Neurolinguistic Programming and is a NSP Hypnotist and a Reiki Master/Teacher and Therapeutic Touch Practitioner.
She is a passionate speaker, educator, and leader in the nursing profession and is dedicated to excellence in patient centred care, evidence based practice, best practice guidelines and working collaboratively to create models for outstanding customer service with integrity, humanity, respect, and dignity.
Piroska actively supports and coaches nurses to assist them with their experience of trauma and stress working through this pandemic.
Her passion is to ensure that nurses can and do work in all areas of health care and are at the decision making table and influence with their holistic view of human health, wellness, and the direction of health care.
To connect with Sandra Payne and the Surviving Nursing FB Community https://www.facebook.com/groups/638818697054847
Read all about the Nurse Rx Coaching Program https://www.sandrapaynecoach.com
Apply to be a guest on the End the Silence Podcast https://www.sandrapaynecoach.com