End the Silence - Stories of Nurses
End the Silence - Stories of Nurses
End the Silence - Guest Rachel Scheffelmair RN
What a gift to have Rachel on the show.
I met Rachel back in January after an online workshop I held on Nurse Burnout. She displayed a keen awareness of the cycle of the abuse and toxic overworking pattern in her nursing career and that they were taking her on a slippery slope towards burnout.
Working with Rachel the past few months in the Nurse Rx Coaching program has been so inspiring. Her courage to speak honestly and openly about the toxic culture of nursing as well as her own deeply rooted patterns of beliefs and behaviours is something to not take lightly.
It's not easy to look at the dark places of our life, but every day Rachel does so with grace and openness.
In this episode Rachel talks about how when we don't listen to the little signals our body is sending us, then our body will only get louder and make the decision for us and the blatantly obvious reason why we don't listen is the STIGMA.
She and I team together as we shed light on the realities of mental and emotional health challenges and it makes me so proud as these conversations are what is needed to blow up this stigma once and for all.
To check out the Moral Injury video I mention https://youtu.be/L_1PNZdHq6Q (I don't necessarily align with all he talks about the the realities of moral injury I certainly do)
To learn more about the Nurse Rx Coaching Program check out https://www.sandrapaynecoach.com
Join the private Facebook nursing support group Surviving Nursing https://www.facebook.com/groups/638818697054847/